Thursday, October 22, 2009

Fat Loss Project Day 39 - Thursday

5 min warmup 4.3 mph
High Intensity - 1set@ 4.8mph and 4 sets @ 4.7mph
Low Intensity - 5 sets @ 4.3 mph

Strength Training
Clean and Jerk 13 reps x 3
Alternating Lunge and Torso Rotation 10 reps each direction x 3
Ball Pass 13 reps x 3
3 point Toe Tappers 13 reps each leg x 3
Chin down and crunch 11 reps x 3 Included 33arm crunches at the wall

Because the pain on my left side has reappeared I am going to have to make the two exercises I missed, Getup and Burpees, up tomorrow if I can

I have not had this pain at all on this program but when Hummus was in a recipe it started up again. Maybe this has something to do with it or maybe not. I am suppose to have this checked out and was told to wait for a phone call from the powers that be ....a long time ago. I just won't eat hummus and I like it.

Drank 2 liters of water

Breakfast 7am
Taking medication for pain but tooth still sore so made a smoothie out of ingredients
as per recipe - 1 cup of spinach 1/4 cup bell peppers and one very small apple, 1 celery stalk - no eggs and no mushrooms

Snack 10:30am
1/4 cup of water, 1/4 cup of berries, 2 tsp of peanut butter

Lunch 12:30pm
Mexican salad 1/2 of recipe - 2 oz of turkey

Snack - forgot about snack

Dinner 6:pm
1oz left over tuna
1/4 cup of Mexican salad and cucumber
On romaine lettuce

Cheated with two halloween cookies from bakery and it was not worth it - tasteless
It is a cheat between 2 workout days. Was probably cutting the meals too much and missed the afternoon snack.

Just noticed this is late my apologies - Took a little while to get on the internet
etc. Don't know why.

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