Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Fat Loss Project Day 16, Sept.29/09

WarmUp: 5 min @ 4.1

Intervals 4 sets
High Intensity - 2 min @4.8 mph x 4
Low Intensity - 2 min @4.1 mph x 4

Circuit Format - 3 circuits - Rest 60 to 90 sec.at end of circuit
1) Get-Ups weighted 5 lbs - 14 x 3
2) Push-Ups 8 at the wall x3 and 8 at next difficult level x 3 Getting easier!!
3) Burpees with jump and modified - 16 x 3 This is still difficult
4)Walking Lunges - 14 x 3 (sorry did not see the 7 each leg)
5)Standing Band Rotations - Rt 11 x 3 Lt 11 x 3
6) Band Pull downs - 11 x 3

2 liters of water plus 2 cups

Breakfast 8:30am

Smoothie - Made with water and frozen banana, strawberrries, yogurt 1/2 for breakfast
and the other ingredients

Morning Snack 11am
1/2 smoothie
These smoothies are great!

Lunch 11:30 (Had to go out)Tuna Salad - as recipe - exceptions - 1 tbsp of apple cider instead of the oil
1 whole pear

Afternoon Snack 3:30pm - 1 cup of carrots, celery, broccli

Dinner 6:00pm
1 cup of greens
1 cup chopped up veggies
1 tomato
1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar
1/2 Tuna salad made at lunch (4 0z)
1 cup of cooked squash

1 comment:

  1. Hi, as per homework, you are one of my fellow Guinea Pigs I have not yet "met". How's it going for you? I did more lunges too, misread it. But decided to keep doing twice as many anyway, my thighs need it..!
